Yesterday I was going to take my day off and go to the pool, but it was rainy and cloudy, so I decided instead to work on my talk for Tuesday night during the day and then take my day off tomorrow (Monday) and go to the pool. But, if the weather isn't nice tomorrow, then I suppose I'll just skip the pool altogether. But at least I'll get to sleep in a little!
The yesterday afternoon, Nate and Sarah and I went to the Uganda vs. Tunisia Rugby Match. It was so nuts! But it was probably one of the most fun things we have done so far. I had never watched Rugby before, but that game is intense. We had a blast.
Then we had language lesson, and then we went out to eat at Lotus Mexicana... which was so delicious. I just really love Mexican food. And I'm so pumped because I have leftovers for dinner tonight. Holler! Then we rounded off a great day with Toy Story. I mean, we borrow all our movies from Brian and Renee who have five kids, so the majority of their VHS' are disney... but I mean, let's be honest, I love Toy Story. AND I got to talk to ALL of my family members on gchat last night, and that was so awesome.
Then Sunday, I woke up at around 6:30 to prepare for my Bible Study and finish writing out my testimony, which I gave during the 2nd Service. Dr. Lightbody preached this morning and she spoke on Joshua 1 and spiritual leadership. God tells Joshua three times "Be strong and courageous", and backs up that statement each time with either His 1) character, 2) spoken word, or 3) a promise. I have felt in my time here that the Lord is really beginning to show me more fully who He has made me to be. Krista, I thought of you yesterday morning, because you have told me time and time again that I don't give myself enough credit. And I am learning that God has gifted me with certain things. I need to utilize those gifts, and as I do, I need to be strong and courageous. As I set my eyes on God and follow his will, there is no reason to fear anything. I can be strong and courageous. And I can make mistakes... but even if I do, I learn from that. Out of fear of making mistakes, I think in the past I have been prone to step back and not accomplish what the Lord desired out of me, and as I had read in my Utmost for His Highest the other day, this leads to spiritual sluggishness.
Just stuff for me to process.
And then after church, all the summer interns and Brian and Renee went to Pastor Micah's house (the pastor of the church I work with), to have a little going away party for Dr. Lightbody. So that was a good time. It was a long day, and I finished it up by doing some writing for my talk on tuesday night (for the last time
Kate, I just love to read this blog and I am very pumped about what your learning, you are a blessing. Your teeth are in my prayers, well and you of course. Peace out homie, I hope that you have a good day off possibly soaking up the sun and having some fun and I think you should tell eveyone to lighten up.