Thursday, May 28, 2009

Internship Day Three... (and pics of our house!)

I forgot to tell you that yesterday I had some meetings at the church, and we reworked my sched. I'm going to be doing outreach on the university campus on Wednesday morning and Friday morning. I mean, outreach isn't really my thing, but here in Uganda anything is my thing! I'm just so pumped to get some face to face interaction, so outreach with college students is the most perfect thing. I actually spent some time in a dorm (called hostels here) today with a girl named Ninah from Kenya, and we had a blast together. Unfortunately, many of the university students are finishing up their finals and heading home this week and next week, and she will be one of them. It's going to present some challenges in terms of establishing relationships... but that's ok. Ninah gave me some great things so pray for her about, so we'll just continue our relationship that way, and then chat again in Heaven I guess. Best rendezvous spot, no doubt!

Also, today I spent most of my morning working on Single, Sassy and Satisfied... so that's going just fine. Coincidently, what Ninah was talking to me about is almost exactly what I am writing my talk on. I told you, relationships are a HUGE deal here. Praise the Lord for his timing. 

And another also, I had my first language lesson today. We have a language tutor coming once a week just to get a little flavor of the tribal language here. I mean, the national language is English so thats great. The tribe that mostly inhabits Kampala is called the Bugandan tribe, and they speak Lugandan. So here's a little sampling. 

ASKING ABOUT YOUR FAMILY - (2 people, person A and B. go ahead, give it a try)
A. Ab'eka bali batya? (how is your family?)
B. Gyebali (they're fine)
A: Mm....
B. Mpozi mmwe? (How about you?)
A. Gyetuli (we are fine)
B. Mm....

and they actually seriously say Mmmmm... all the time. I mean, I guess we do that too, but everyone here does it, its an actual response. It feels weird to force it. The tutor laughed at us a lot because he could tell we felt awkward. Good times. 

And here's pictures of our house:

the kitch. 

the front of house.

the living room. 

mine and sarah's room... mine is the messy bed. good job sarah. 

the dining room. 


  1. My Dear Kate, your house looks really nice - and you must feel really "at home" there by the looks of your bed :-). Glad to hear you have some interaction with Ninah. I'm confident there will be others. I love you sweet, and am so glad things are going well. I'm proud of you :-).


  2. SO fun to see pictures of your house. It looks really nice! We'll be praying for relationships to develop. We love you and grandma sends you her love too! Only 11 school days left - yipee!
    Huge hugs,
