Monday, May 18, 2009

Go Time.

It is the eve of my departure for Uganda. I'm just sitting here with my momma and my roommate krista watching the season finale of survivor. I don't even like this show, but its just real good to sit and be with people that I love. Today was nuts, my mom and I packed in so much because today was the last full day to get ready. That's unbelievable to me. Can't believe I'm going to Africa tomorrow. 

To be honest, I don't feel ready - mentally, spiritually, physically, and however else one would want to feel ready for this sort of thing. I just came off a high stress week with papers and finals, and now its time to turn around and begin this totally new, unknown experience. I was reading from "My Utmost for His Highest" by Oswald Chambers yesterday and the devotional for that day was entitled "The Habit of Rising to the Occasion." I was so encouraged as I was reminded that God has given me everything I need in order to be ready for this trip, he has equipped me with the gift of His Son. As I rise to the "occasion" of this trip, I am reminded that my only goal is to submit to His will so that He may work through me what He wants.  I don't think on my own I would ever feel ready for a trip like this, but Chambers writes "Direct the total energy of your powers so that you may achieve everything your election as a child of God provides, rise every time to whatever occasion may come your way." So it's go time. It's time to rise to the occasion, pursue the will of Christ above all while relying on my gracious God, through whom all is accomplished. 

Thanks for your prayers and thanks for your support! With your help, all the funds for this trip came in, and that is such an answer to prayer. I feel so blessed. 

I'm going to be in London tomorrow!!!


  1. Katie...I am your first comment. I had no idea your roommate was a Krista too. We are praying for you and cannot wait to hear all about it. And I am so glad to hear that all your funds came through.

  2. So excited for you girl! Can't wait to hear about all of your adventures!

  3. Katie, We are so thrilled that you are taking this journey!! We are anxious to see what God does through you and in you through these precious days there in Uganda! Praying for you each day! (Julie)

  4. Hello my sweet Kate! I can hardly wait to be your "blogger stalker!" We love you tons and will be praying for you daily! Be sure to post pictures too!!!
    We love you! Auntie Brenda
    (Kirk, Lilly, Joshua and Jessica!

  5. Hi my Sweet Kate, so glad you made it to London safely. I'll be praying for the next leg of your flight too. Tomorrow you will be in UGANDA!Wowwee! I made it home about 10:45pm last night - the bike didn't move an inch :-). Let us know when you arrive. Love and kisses to you. Momma

  6. Dear Kate, I hope you and London got along great. You are in my prayers. Love you.
